Monday, 28 January 2019

Interview Questions

- Interceptor in Angular
-data binding in angular
-temp vs table variable
-how AOT implmented in angular
-router outlet in angular
-nested objects in entity framework
-idempotence in webapi
-attribute routing in webapi
-passing values in angular
-bundling in angular
-rootscope in angular
-binding in angular
-directive in angular
-ngcontent in angular
-access modifiers in abstract class
-can we define private in abstract class
-memory management in c#
-print string multiple combinations ABC in c#
-difference between in temp table and table varible
-how to override url in angular like override the localhost:4200 port
-how to secure the url in angular
-local storage vs session storage vs cookies in angular
-lazy loading in angular and entity framework
-route vs route children in angular
-how to communicate between the component in angular
-how angular understand <app-root> tag in html
-how the application start in angualr
-cors , how actually it works
-http vs http2
-find nth prime no
-formatters in webapi and can we get both format xml vs json to the client
-singleton pattern
-strategy pattern
-kesteral vs weblistner in .net core
-asyn and await in c#
-microservices architectures and principles
-aop in c#
-filters in mvc
-how to add middleware in .net core
-whats startup.cs in .net core\
-how to increase the entity framework performance
-how to increase the performance from sql server database side
-fetch entity in linq
-polyfins in angular
-how to define foreign key relationship in entity framework
-deference b/w entity framework and core
-how to handle big data from database or webapi
-event hub in service bus azure
-microservice architecture and flow
- deadlock in sql server
-async and await
- oauth and jwt
-delegate and event
liskov principle
-anynymous method in c#