Thursday 25 July 2024

Angular Interview Questions 2024

00:01:58 - What is Angular? 00:04:50 - What are Angular advantages? 00:07:32 - What is the difference between AngularJS and Angular? 00:10:42 - What is NPM? 00:12:16 - What is CLI tool? 00:13:57 - Section 2 00:14:25 - What are Components in Angular? 00:17:14 - What is a Selector and Template? 00:18:40 - What is Module in Angular? What is app.module.ts file? 00:21:43 - How an Angular App gets Loaded and Started? What are index.html, app-root, selector and main.ts? 00:25:42 - What is a Bootstrapped Module & Bootstrapped Component? 00:27:20 - Section 3 00:27:54 - What is Data Binding in Angular? 00:30:13 - What is String Interpolation in Angular? 00:32:08 - What is Property Binding in Angular? 00:35:06 - What is Event Binding in Angular? 00:38:07 - What is Two way Binding in Angular? 00:41:55 - Section 4 00:42:19 - What are Directives? What are the type of directives? 00:44:49 - What is *ngIf Structural directive? 00:46:43 - What is *ngFor Structural directive? 00:48:06 - What is *ngSwitch Structural directive? 00:50:35 - What is [ngStyle] Attribute directive? 00:53:45 - What is [ngClass] Attribute directive? 00:56:26 - What is the difference between Component, Attribute and Structural Directives? 00:58:08 - Section 5 00:58:29 - What is Decorator? 01:00:15 - What are the types of Decorator? 01:01:05 - What are Pipes? What are the types of Pipes & Parameterized Pipes? 01:03:25 - What is Chaining Pipes? 01:04:14 - Section 6 01:04:38 - Explain Services with Example? 01:06:32 - How to create Servicein Angular? 01:10:04 - How to use Dependency Injector with Services in Angular? 01:11:56 - What is Hierarchical Dependency Injection? 01:14:34 - What is Provider in Angular? 01:15:46 - What is the role of @Injectable Decorator in a Service? 01:19:57 - Section 7 01:20:11 - What are Parent-Child Components? 01:23:40 - What are Lifecycle Hooks in Angular? 01:27:09 - What is a Constructor in Angular? 01:29:24 - What is ngOnInit life cycle hook in Angular? 01:30:52 - What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit? 01:35:21 - Section 8 01:36:01 - What are Asynchronous operations? 01:38:20 - What is the difference between Promise and Observable? 01:42:47 - What is RxJS? 01:45:21 - What is Observable? How to implement Observable 01:50:10 - What is the role of HttpClient in Angular? 01:51:26 - Section 9 01:51:50 - What is Typescript? Or What is the difference between Typescript and Javascript? 01:57:55 - What is the difference between let and var keyword? 2:00:59 - What is Type annotation? 02:02:27 - What are Built in/ Primitive and User-Defined/ Non-primitive Types in Typescript? 02:04:21 - What is “any” type in Typescript? 02:06:37 - What is Enum type in Typescript? 02:08:48 - What is Type Assertion in Typescript? 02:10:47 - What are Arrow Functions in Typescript?

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