Monday 26 August 2024

Code Review Guide lines

 1- Readable

2- Performance (dev vs prod) 3- Reusable code 4- Naming convention - variables, classes, properties, functions Eg, GetEmployee >> GetEmployeeList ----- both conveying same meaning but first is small 5- DRY principle - Don't repeat yourself -- create helper classes/ function and reuse 6- Class names, Method names: PascalCase 7- Variables: camelCase 8- Keep methods small and simple. Don't make it too large. Keep it short and simple. If it's too short, split its functionality and call the function in actual function.. 9- Create self explanatory method names so that you don't need to write comments

Code Review Checklist:

  1. Logging
  2. Monitoring
  3. Scale
  4. Traceability
  5. Troubleshooting
  6. Reporting
  7. UX
  8. Incorrect problem definition
  9. Time management
  10. Ignoring other features.
  11. Focusing on today needs.
  12. Alerting
  13. Metrics
  14. Testing
  15. Deployment
  16. Code cleanup
  17. Latency
  18. No design review
  19. No customer review
  20. Concurrency
  21. Simple bugs
  22. Mutation
  23. Readability
  24. Naming
  25. Documentation (motivation)
  26. Audit
  27. Security
  28. Complex if-then logic
  29. Suspicious loop 'break'
  30. Negative logic
  31. Regexp - long input could cause issues.
  32. Nulls
  33. More than 3 arguments
  34. Line length
  35. Shared resources abuse
  36. Cache (think hard)
  37. Variable name length
  38. Commit message
  39. Squash if needed
  40. Build time change
  41. "Random" usage smell
  42. Open Close principle
  43. Code duplication
  44. OverComplexity (ex. Types where string is enough)
  45. UnderComplexity (ex. strings where type is required)
  46. Bulk test fail smell
  47. Backward compatibility
  48. Forward compatibility
  49. API no version
  50. Incorrect db type usage
  51. Adding indexes instead of search engine view
  52. Ignoring Failures
  53. Expecting feature would work
  54. Too verbose error handling
  55. Sensitive info in logs
  56. Missing "main" flow
  57. Feature toggle (if needed)
  58. Dependencies (collisions? new one?)
  59. Comments smell
  60. Dependent Teams
  61. Plural/Singular correctness
  62. Consistency with codebase conventions
  63. Revert implications
  64. Either simple MultiReturn or Single
  65. Time to understand code smell

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